.. _release-notes: Release change log ================== Each release introduces some changes and new features. v2.8 ---- **Spectrum assignment**: requests can now support multiple slots. The definition in service file supports multiple assignments (unchanged syntax): .. code-block:: json "effective-freq-slot": [ { "N": 0, "M": 4 }, { "N": 50, "M": 4 } ], But in results, label-hop is now a list of slots and center frequency index: .. code-block:: json { "path-route-object": { "index": 4, "label-hop": [ { "N": 0, "M": 4 }, { "N": 50, "M": 4 } ] } }, instead of .. code-block:: json { "path-route-object": { "index": 4, "label-hop": { "N": 0, "M": 4 } } }, **change in display**: only warnings are displayed ; information are disabled and needs the -v (verbose) option to be displayed on standard output. **frequency scaling**: Chromatic dispersion, effective area, Raman Gain coefficient, and nonlinear coefficient can now be defined with a scaling along frequency. **power offset**: Power equalization now enables defining a power offset in transceiver library to represent the deviation from the general equalisation strategy defined in ROADMs. .. code-block:: json "mode": [{ "format": "100G", "baud_rate": 32.0e9, "tx_osnr": 35.0, "min_spacing": 50.0e9, "cost": 1, "OSNR": 10.0, "bit_rate": 100.0e9, "roll_off": 0.2, "equalization_offset_db": 0.0 }, { "format": "200G", "baud_rate": 64.0e9, "tx_osnr": 35.0, "min_spacing": 75.0e9, "cost": 1, "OSNR": 13.0, "bit_rate": 200.0e9, "roll_off": 0.2, "equalization_offset_db": 1.76 } ] v2.7 ----