Installing GNPy¶
There are several methods on how to obtain GNPy. The easiest option for a non-developer is probably going via our Docker images. Developers are encouraged to install the Python package in the same way as any other Python package. Note that this needs a working installation of Python, for example via Anaconda.
Using prebuilt Docker images¶
Our Docker images contain everything needed to run all examples from this guide. Docker transparently fetches the image over the network upon first use. On Linux and Mac, run:
$ docker run -it --rm --volume $(pwd):/shared telecominfraproject/oopt-gnpy
On Windows, launch from Powershell as:
PS C:\> docker run -it --rm --volume ${PWD}:/shared telecominfraproject/oopt-gnpy
In both cases, a directory named example-data/
will appear in your current working directory.
GNPy automaticallly populates it with example files from the current release.
Remove that directory if you want to start from scratch.
Using Python on your computer¶
Note: gnpy supports Python 3 only. Python 2 is not supported. gnpy requires Python ≥3.8
Note: the gnpy maintainers strongly recommend the use of Anaconda for managing dependencies.
It is recommended that you use a “virtual environment” when installing gnpy. Do not install gnpy on your system Python.
We recommend the use of the Anaconda Python distribution which comes with many scientific computing
dependencies pre-installed. Anaconda creates a base “virtual environment” for
you automatically. You can also create and manage your conda
environments” yourself (see:
To activate your Anaconda virtual environment, you may need to do the following:
$ source /path/to/anaconda/bin/activate # activate Anaconda base environment
(base) $ # note the change to the prompt
You can check which Anaconda environment you are using with:
(base) $ conda env list # list all environments
# conda environments:
base * /src/install/anaconda3
(base) $ echo $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV # show default environment
You can check your version of Python with the following. If you are using Anaconda’s Python 3, you should see similar output as below. Your results may be slightly different depending on your Anaconda installation path and the exact version of Python you are using.
$ which python # check which Python executable is used
$ python -V # check your Python version
Python 3.8.0 :: Anaconda, Inc.
Installing the Python package¶
From within your Anaconda Python 3 environment, you can clone the master branch of the gnpy repo and install it with:
$ git clone # clone the repo
$ cd oopt-gnpy
$ pip install --editable . # note the trailing dot
To test that gnpy was successfully installed, you can run this command. If it
executes without a ModuleNotFoundError
, you have successfully installed
$ python -c 'import gnpy' # attempt to import gnpy
$ pytest # run tests